Do you remember, back when we were kids, how we used to taunt each other with silly turns of phrase? “Your epidermis is showing!” was a common refrain when I was growing up–along with a whispered “elephant shoes” (which appears, when lip reading, to say: I love you). Or, one of my youngest son’s favoured expressions, learned from our cousin Peter: “proctologically speaking” when, of course, you’re talking out of your ass…

What makes these expressions humourous is that they’re somehow “forbidden”, a tantalizing glimpse of how we can use language to obscure rather than explain.

Funny how we continue to do the same thing even after childhood has ended. Manipulating words, or movement, or our appearance to hide something about ourselves instead of letting it all hang out.

Dance like no one’s watching

I got to thinking about this recently after a free movement exercise class I took part in at my friend Leslee’s house. Five of us got together one morning to shake, and dance, and simply move our bodies in entirely personal ways out in her beautiful garden. After the class, we were talking about how the experience affected us, and I realized how delighted I was with the freedom of expression it afforded  me. The best part, though, was the realization that I could move to my own rhythms without embarrassment, or self-judgment, or the need to compare with others.

We’ve all heard the exhortation, at some point or another, to dance like no one is watching, but this was perhaps the first time I truly understood what it meant. Giving myself permission to fully self-express tapped me into a wellspring of creativity and honesty that was sourced in my own truth. Or, to put it another way, I simply didn’t give a fuck–and it was glorious.


There’s a time and place for everything. As adults, we all know that. That means total self-expression isn’t always welcome. But, but, but… using our bodies or language in ways that align with our truth is critical–and I think we need more of it.

So this week, and even next, can you give yourself permission to shine? Let your epidermis show shamelessly and joyously. You just may discover that you truly do have wings.