In the song Some Nights, by the band Fun, the lyrics beg us to question “What do I stand for? What do I stand for? Most nights, I don’t know…anymore.” This song awakens me, and when I hear it, it is a call to action. It is the beat of activism. I have felt, at times recently, that Some Nights has been a soundtrack for my life. What is your soundtrack?
There are so many things going on around us that need our attention. Real issues, and real concerns. We’re at a critical point that takes as many awake, conscious, and informed individuals as possible. A profound exchange I had recently with a friend led us to the same crossroad on the same day. At what point do we take a stand for something in our lives? When do we choose a cause and stand up or fight? And why must it be a fight? Can we take a stand, can we succeed, without fighting? This could very well be the question of our time.
A whole new realm
With a passion for social justice, and a heart for activism, I have always been drawn to protecting the little person. It can get lonely “along the extra mile.” Cricket sounds on Facebook when posting something new or controversial to the majority. Sometimes teased for the extent to which I am willing to go out on a limb for something, someone, doing things I have never done before, that I have not been trained to do, and told not to do without a leader! What came to me upon that claim was…I am the leader. And “if not me, than who, If not now, then when?” My favorite Hillel quote follows me from room to room. I somehow know what to say and to whom, and quite effectively, without having done it before. I would never have imagined myself lobbying Capitol Hill or meeting with Senate and Assembly Members to forward a cause. This was not part of the plan. However, activism has become a part of me. In my heart, I am a truth seeker for right action. I want to be surrounded by people who care deeply and are willing to express it…then actually do something about it. Is that too much to ask?
We become who we surround ourselves with
My friends are pretty extraordinary. Not surprising, but I have surrounded myself with several activists, philanthropists, and do gooders. A lot of my friends do take a stand for something. For example: I have a green friend who educates the public and works to protect the environment. I have a courageous friend who lost her father to suicide and now acts as a pre/post-vention specialist, helping individuals understand they are not alone and assisting devastated families in getting back on their feet. I have an artistic friend who teaches children to stand up to bullying through her well known art project, and now a glorious film. I have a talented friend who as an opera singer represents an organization in New York that teaches civic and music education to underprivileged youth and performs at fundraisers for HIV awareness. I also have friends that have overcome a lifetime of injustice, currently working to abolish the Death Penalty in the US. I know quite a few people doing a lot of good. I am deeply proud of their contributions. Still, more of us can do better. On that note, I am curious…what calls you? Where does your passion lie? What person or group inspires you to stand up and take action?
Many of us have never been asked these questions before. We have been taught to complain and criticize, but some of us have never been taught how to take action. I am currently working on a children’s project to address this very concept. If we can teach our children how to stand up, how to handle things well, how to ask for help, and how to take positive action, they will be happier and healthier people. If we wait for other people to solve the dilemmas of our time, we will be passing these challenges onto our children.
A former client of mine had a rather large disappointment when finally meeting her role model for her life’s work. She suddenly realized her mentor, the person she had been looking up to all these years, was not willing to go the extra mile. She had an epiphany during our sessions together where she realized… “I am the one I have been waiting for.” As such, I believe “it is us we have been waiting for!” Taking a stand can be as simple as where we put our hard earned dollars. Another way to stand up and get involved is to integrate philanthropy and business. I have been exposed to some brilliant new business models in the last few years, this is where I first heard the title Philanthropreneur; right then and there, I fell in love. It is possible to help others while we help ourselves, and each time that is done, the world gets better and better. As we grow and give, and help repair the world through Tikkun Olam, others are inspired to join us and do the same. In my mind, this is to have succeeded, in my mind, this is how we take a stand.
Thanks so much! Your words are powerful and innovative: “Teach our children to stand up.” I believe we can take a stand by listening to other’s ideas with empathy even when we do not agree with them. When we model this for our children, they learn to listen, share, and come to an agreement of minds even if it means agreeing to disagree. When we show the ability to listen, our stance is better received.
Sue, thank you for adding value.
The points you are referring to pass on to our kids are crucial to their health and well being.
Modeling, teaching our kids to listen with empathy, and teaching them to “agree to disagree,” are powerful tools.
This is a powerful commentary on the times we are living in. I love, “passion for justice with a heart for activism.” I can totally identify with all that you’ve written. It reminds me of the Howard Thurman quote, “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Thank you.
Peace & Blessings,
Wendy Silvers