If you haven’t noticed, change is happening at the speed of light… all around us.  Things we have known, relied on, felt comfortable with, and defined, are shifting.  For some the change is yet to be determined, while others are being thrown to their knees.  Certain circumstances seem out of our hands, unavoidable.  The only thing we can control is our reaction.  In coaching, an important distinction in behavior is when we respond vs. react.  A response is from the present, with clarity, and of the self.  A reaction is from the past, with dismay, and of the ego.  A response often carries an enlightened solution, while a reaction explodes with chaos.  Meeting chaos with chaos is a no-win situation.  Just like the saying “violence begets violence.”  I believe meeting chaos with chaos is the definition of war.  As Albert Einstein said, we cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that got us there.  The best response we can have with the unknown is to pause, breathe, confirm to ourselves everything will be ok, then tap into our clarity.  I wrote my last blog on our growing need to revisit silence.  Silence gives us the clarity for action.  In what direction we are harnessing change in and around our lives, depends on where we are and where we have been.

Inner leadership

This point in time is not just about about who wants to stand up confidently and lead; it is equally about summoning the characteristics of our own inner leader.  I was on a Sacred Activism call last Friday that pointed out this fact about leadership, it rang true for me, and it may ring true for you:  While people are taking to the streets to protect our rights, and Facebook lists uncover politicians some believe are voting against their interests, now would be a good time to pause and ask ourselves some poignant questions.  How is my relationship with myself?  What am I talking about and with whom?  Where do I get my guidance to action?  What am I habitually thinking about?  What have I been relying on?  We must ask ourselves, is my house built on sand or stone?  Why is this such a critical question?  What happens when the winds come and the rains come and your house is built on sand?… Exactly… it gets washed away.  We are approaching an opportunity to build or rebuild ourselves, our strengths, and our very lives, together; on a solid foundation of stone, a strong personal foundation.

You get what you ask for

Turnaround time is quick these days, make sure you are asking for what you want, because as you request it, someone standing right in front of you may be holding it in their hand.  Our thoughts, our words, and our plans are manifesting, they are coming to life right before our eyes.  At times it feels like magic.  I have a sister-in-law who has been working toward a lifetime goal for years.  2016 bore her the most beautiful fruit.  A wedding, a beautiful new baby, and now her dream of opening a revolutionary charter school in San Diego has just been approved by the school district.  Good things are happening!  Goals we have been working toward for years of our life, in many different ways, are now beginning to come together. For some, other plans may seem like they are falling apart.  It depends on your perspective, where you have hung your hat, and where you’re standing.

We are one

There is no us vs. them anymore, there is only me and you or we.  Whatever we are putting out we are receiving back like a boomerang.  We have no choice except to evolve.  If not, the alternative is simply pain and suffering. The winds of change are upon us.  We may be captains of our ships, but the seas are being determined by some strong winds. How we choose to navigate our routes and with what tools will determine how and if we arrive safely to our next destination.  We will either arrive with excitement, thrill, and euphoria, or by the skin of our teeth.  And either way is going to be your choice.

Be the change you wish to see in the world

Whenever I give a workshop, I ask the participants involved to define what the topic means to them.  As a coach, I want them to learn what they need to know, not what I think they need to know. This is always helpful, because our definitions change as we change, and as our society changes. Definitions are not stagnant; they are constantly in motion.  We cannot classify something as it was in the past, because it is always being made anew.  I do not profess to be the same person I was five years ago, or even last year.  I have had many experiences that have shaped me into who I am today.  Since I have changed, my goals have changed, and I am seeking to accomplish different things.  It’s important for us to share what our new definitions and goals are, as we go through this process.  To be the change we want to see, means we need to ask ourselves what that change looks like, feels like and sounds like, today.

So, where is your house built?  How will this serve you?  I invite you to tap into your inner leader, build your house on stone, and truly feel what it means to be the change you wish to see in the world.  Blow your own mind, make miraculous things happen for the good.  I believe you can.  Do you?