My Son’s AP English Literature teacher wrote:

Dear Parents,

We recently finished The Tragedy of Hamlet in our AP English Literature class. In Act I, Scene iii, Polonius, the father of a young man who is leaving for France, gives his son some advice. Polonius cautions Laertes to follow such guidelines as act and speak cautiously, keep your true friends close, listen more and speak less, be financially wise, and most well-known, “To thine own self be true.”  I would like to ask to you take a few moments to complete a “homework assignment” of sorts. This time of year can be an intimidating time for seniors, as they look to their futures, make difficult decisions, and embark on their lives’ journeys.  It is difficult to believe that your child will be off in the “real world” sooner than we might like. Therefore, please take a few minutes to write your son/daughter a letter of advice and/or encouragement.  Please send the letters in a sealed envelope to me.  Just before graduation, I will remind students of Polonius’s advice, and I will surprise them with their letters.  I truly believe your child will cherish this message and that it will be a treasured keepsake for him or her.

Here is the letter I wrote to my son Samuel for his high school graduation. I invite you to write a similar letter to your child at their current stage in life.  What life advice would you offer them?

My Dearest Son Samuel,

“It is like my heart walking around outside of my body.”  A quote about what it feels like to be your mother.  May my love for you, and all the love you receive, materialize into a great love for yourself.  Your relationship with yourself is the foundation of everything you will do and be in your life.

May you live from your heart. I know you will live from your brilliant mind.  May you know intimately and contribute to society with all of your strengths to make it better.  You cannot wait for others to change the world.  The grassroots effort will begin and increase with you and your fellow advocates.  I hope I have modeled this with the writing and humanitarian efforts I have put forward in the last few years.

May you tap into greater wisdom of those who are happy and have succeeded before you.  Role models and mentors are key to making the paths you take easier and more fulfilling.  Ask for advice and guidance from all successful minds you meet.  It makes the journey sweeter.  Read about those who have done what you want to be and achieve.  My personal education through reading is as valuable to me today as my academic achievements.  Have the courage to blaze your own path if the systems or structures seem archaic.

May you always surround yourself with quality mates, friends, family, and community who understand you, care deeply about you, and love you. Life is too short to spend time around those who are not in your favor.  Walk away from pessimists, doubters or haters, wish them well.

Integrity is paramount in this lifetime.  Your reputation is one thing you cannot buy.  Cherish it and be known as a man of your word. People need to know they can rely on you and depend on you to show up and do what you say.  Be honest with yourself and others; in order for the world to improve, we must be honest and speak our truth in a respectful and strong manner.

May you know always that you are an extraordinary young man capable of anything you put your mind to.  Samuel means “Asked of God.” Never forget your Great-Grandfather Samuel you were named after, next to you he is one of the finest men I have every known.

Learn the art of letting go.  If something is not for you it will not feel right and there will be a lot of resistance.  Be clear and listen to your intuition.  It knows what is right for you to do or where to be.  Listen to your gut and intuition.

May you learn to give of yourself through philanthropic service to better the world, while you acquire your own wealth.  Invest your money in organizations and companies that are doing good for others.

May times of difficulty or troubles be few.  May you learn to comfort yourself, as I would comfort you while growing up.  Remember us swinging on our patio swing together, peacefully, with my arm around you, if you ever feel lonely. We are here for you; we always will be.  No matter where you go or what you do, we are with you and behind you every step of the way.

We are so proud of your achievements Sam, but even more than all you have done and aspire to do…is who you’ve become.  A man of men, a gentle soul of the wise, you have the makings of greatness, you are cautious, yet bold, ambitious, with a solid head on your shoulders.  What a thrill it is to watch you grow and go for it.  Dream and become, my son.  Dream, plan, enjoy, and become.

Immense Love Today and Always,

Mom & Bennett