I’ve been on a new eating regimen lately.  Every few months my husband and I decide it’s time for a reboot, a total system overhaul.  It’s not easy, but it’s important to us.  I’m having new meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday.  That can be overwhelming, so I do things like pre-shredding and pre-cutting all the veggies.  I realized preparation is the key to my success with Keto, then I thought…isn’t preparation the key to everything?

What you need to succeed

Like anything you want to create more of in your life, you need to have the proper ingredients.  How can I start anything new if I don’t have the basic tools and materials?  My husband and I did some research, printed out lists of grocery items needed, and made a big organic Costco run.  Joyfully, we also picked up a Keto recipe book while we were there.  I love to read when I do something new, it’s my way of programming my brain for what’s to come.

Welcoming structure

Anytime we establish new standards or new structure, we need to gear up by informing the people around us.  This has been a recurring theme on my mastermind calls.  We were talking about redefining “structure,” how it need not be seen as restrictive and limiting.  My mastermind entrepreneurs are looking at how new structure can assist them in getting exactly what they want.  Though many of my clients have resisted it, I watch them realize that structure can become their friend, and their friends can become their structure.  My spouse and I decided to build our Keto program together.  He helps me stay on track.  When starting something new, inform those around you of your new standards, this way you can gain maximum support and be prepared for what lies ahead; include your kids and those you spend a good deal of time with.

Seeking guidance

We need outside perspective to see things clearly.  It helps to seek counsel from those who have mastery in the field, or who have done it before.  I read a lot about Keto from the Tim Ferriss book, Tools of Titans.  Interview after interview defined the benefits of ketogenesis in detail, and of course it piqued my interest.  I can learn how to feed my body for optimal performance while getting rid of inflammation?  I’m in!  My chiropractor also recommended Keto, explaining the added benefits it would do for my physiology.  I can’t say I know everything, and especially when it comes to my health, I seek counsel from my team whom I trust.  To me this is an essential piece of preparation.

Out with the old

My husband has a philosophy: when something new comes in, something old goes out.  He applies this to everything.  Clearing out space with the old is essential to success with the new.  How can you prepare for new opportunities when the old is occupying the area?  Clearing your space is imperative.   My husband and I went through our entire pantry and refrigerator.  We went through all our cupboards and got rid of everything that was outdated or not in alignment with the direction we were headed.  This applies to habits as well.  Do you have habits that keep you from getting what you want? Can you be honest with yourself about how you are the one holding you back?  Let’s give it a shot.  One of my past favorite splurges, after my brain is too tired to think, is to watch my favorite TV show and munch on a snack in bed.  Not a great habit, I admit.  Last time I checked, mindless snacking is not beneficial to optimal performance.  With our new Keto program, I had to ditch that.  Keto recommends you have your last meal by 8pm.  That was a tough one for me.  However, I realize that I can’t get something new, without doing something new.

Eye on the prize

A favorite coaching client had a quote he used often, “begin with the end in mind.”  We need to ask ourselves, what do I want my results to be?  Everything begins with this question. I can’t tell you how many times I ask people to focus on just this one question.  We are programmed to complain, to blame, and to rehearse what we don’t want in our head everyday.  Do you know what I’m talking about?  You will never get what you want this way, it’s just not possible.  The only way to get where you’re going is to first know your destination.  Before starting Keto, I established what I wanted to accomplish.  I wanted to feel great, have new energy, invite sharper mental clarity, look hot, balance my hormones, and feed my cells with nutrition.

I heard someone say practice makes permanent.  I am proud of the variation I have brought in with our new Keto regimen.  I am experimenting and branching out in ways I have not before.  I am introducing new alternatives to our family, and if I want to have some fun with food, I can do it in healthier ways, with pure ingredients.  Variation, renewal, getting ourselves out of the old grind… this is something.  Spring is for cleaning up, clearing out, and inviting in the new. With a little preparation, planning, and passion, before you know it, your luck turns into opportunity.