Ever notice when everything in your life is just going the right way? When that happens, do you pause and notice how it makes you feel? Blueprint that, blueprint it! Write it down. What does it feel like? Excitement, anticipation, ecstasy, giddiness? Say yes, thank you, and more please.
Do you notice when you are in this place, this feeling, that more and more opportunities show up and happen in your favor? My friend, sounds like you’re in the vortex, in your vortex, that is. The vortex is a place where you anticipate good things, where you see the puzzle pieces come together, where opportunities are handed to you, and people seek you out.
The vortex is a place where the time and energy you invested pays off. This is a place that Conscious and Carefree wants you to hang out, decorate, and lay the foundation for brick by brick; to program a feeling and environment where you can get comfortable and stay awhile. Like a home, you make this place your own. It feels really good here. Like you can anticipate everything going your way… because it is. Ever felt this way before? We’d love you to share with us. This place is created internally long before it appears externally. You build it with thoughts, harvest it with language, nurture it with energy, and foster it with spirit—“build it and they will come.” And if they don’t, you’ll be so happy and fulfilled, you won’t care; which strangely makes you desirable.
This can be our new normal. This can be our bliss, if we allow it. I’ll say that again: if we allow it. This article is not about resistance, but resistance is the opposite of this place. If we receive what we’re being given, if we cultivate and nurture it, then and only then will we taste the succulent fruit of our labor. You can be all you want to be here. And once you feel it, oh, you feel it, embrace it, once it sings softly in your ear, it’s impossible to go back. Like the toothpaste that’s been squeezed out of the bottle. Would you shove that back in? Of course you wouldn’t. Well, some of you might try.
This feeling in the vortex has got to be your first priority. Most people will make you think it needs to be your last, but a great client once told me, “begin with the end in mind,” which means, how would you feel if you accomplished something grand? You’d feel like a million dollars. The secret I’m trying to impart upon you is to learn how to feel like a million dollars now!
To accomplish this, you must become your first priority. Your goal is to become the magnet for everything you love, and the nucleolus of great people. This is an art; it is a way of life. This is the heart of why we designed Conscious and Carefree, because this way of being is contagious! Conscious and Carefree is meant to be a hub of joy, greatness, high achievement, prosperity, expansion, and abundance. We envision a place for people to find one another, discuss, build, and implement big ideas. A hub of vision where community members help build one another beyond what they thought they were capable of. It may sound like what dreams are made of, because it is. “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.”
You were born to thrive. This is our natural state. We’ve only forgotten. The world will continue to seek to distract you from your brilliance. Conscious and Carefree will continue to remind you. We will jog your memory as often as possible, that we are believers in good, and you were born to do great things and be great people.
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