In preparation for my upcoming adventure, I was watching interviews with some of my favorite musicians and artists. One in particular was Danny Elfman, front man of the hit band Oingo Boingo. Danny has now scored over 105 popular films and is one of the most sought-after film score artists in the industry. I watched an introduction to his Masterclass, where he disclosed to his viewers that in the beginning of his career, he really had no idea what he was doing. I felt like he was talking to me. He said he knew what felt good, and he was just playing around and experimenting with all kinds of sounds. He said he went with his gut and intuition, not what he thought people wanted to hear. This kind of attitude and courage took Danny to the top.
I heard the same remark recently revealed on a Terri Nunn interview, lead singer of the band Berlin. She paraphrased something similar to Danny, saying that when Berlin began performing, they had no idea what they were doing. They just figured it out as they went along. They blueprinted what felt good and found their particular sound. In this willingness to experiment and swim in the unknown, the process to uncovering genius reveals itself. Without rigid expectation, without hard parameters, without other people’s expectations weighing down on you; you play, you listen, you perform, and you see what feels good. So much of life can be this way, in the flow, if we allow it. Perhaps the idea, and merely a skeleton of the concept is enough to take you where you want to go.
We can’t keep inviting you to dive in the deep end without doing it ourselves. We took Conscious and Carefree to a whole new level this week, premiering a new LIVE weekly show called “52 Weeks to Living Conscious and Carefree” on the new Awake TV Network. Awake TV is broadcasting to 36 countries with 70 teachers in this first season. Enjoy this first episode below, and please join us for coaching, concepts, and interviews with some of our favorite influencers every Tuesday at 8AM PST.
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