The critical role of critical thought
As someone in a creative field, I spend a lot of time staring abstractly into space waiting for inspiration to strike me. It's partly the reason I've always imagined that [...]
As someone in a creative field, I spend a lot of time staring abstractly into space waiting for inspiration to strike me. It's partly the reason I've always imagined that [...]
There's an old Simon and Garfunkel song called El Condor Pasa where they talk about all the the things they'd rather be. Do you remember? I'd rather be a sparrow [...]
In 1637, the French philosopher René Descartes concluded that, in a world of illusion, the only immutable truth is that we only exist because we think. I’m thinking René was [...]
I had an epiphany of sorts recently. To be perfectly honest, I’m a big believer in regular epiphanies. I’ve come to believe there are certain things we should always do [...]
At a special beachside gathering I was invited to recently, the Rabbi asked us to spend a moment in silence or silent prayer. He spoke briefly about the value of [...]