Love is evolving, just like we are.  What was important one year ago may be completely irrelevant in your life now.  If Covid has taught us anything, it has taught us that what is precious is life, family, relationships, and connection. How we related before the great pause is likely different than we find ourselves relating now.  At least for me. I am reaching out more, making deeper connections, and interestingly, with different people.  I am spending more quality time with my family, one, because they are here, and two, because they need more hands on nurturing and support.  Heck, I need more hands on nurturing and support.  And just like in this interview, I’m learning to ask for it, and to ask for what I need now, today, with friends and family, and now to my readership in a way I never have before.  I want to increase my level of intimacy with my husband and get to know who he is now, what’s most important to him now, and what he may need from me that he hasn’t up until this point.

I want to summon more love for myself, by giving more to myself,  by asking myself what I need in this moment, not just when I break down, but on an ordinary day.  Although it seems there are no more ordinary days, because we are now living or getting used to living in an extraordinary time.  No matter how normal we make this time, it is different and new.  I am different and new.  So in regards to love, what could be more enlightening, delicious, and delightful?  Nothing.  Love has more meaning than it ever has.  Maybe it has more meaning because we have less of an opportunity to share it now.  I’m learning to express love in new ways, over Zoom, text, sending gifts, sharing encouraging daily readings and quotes, making more calls, and staying on the phone longer just to hear someone’s voice.

I was looking for a way to share this insightful interview again with dynamic guest Greta Grace from Awake TV Network Show, “52 Weeks to Living Conscious and Carefree.”  We are tickled pink to have this interview featured on Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global this week!  So please take a listen below.

On a final thought, it has never been so important for us to connect, and I value you and your readership.  I still consider this exchange a dance we do together.  We may not dance as often, but when we do, it is oh so sweet, and know I have been waiting patiently to dance with you.  Thank you for your interest, your desire to learn and grow, and share what is important to you, now.  In greater love and the summoning of something perhaps we’ve never had before.

XO, Stefanie